Village Scribe Association Trust
Joza Youth Hub
Ncame Street
Grahamstown, 6139
Rep. of South Africa
Trust no: IT224/2010
NPO no: 091-910-NPO
PBO 930 038 006
Village Scribe Association e.V.
Sophie-Charlotte-Str. 5
14169 Berlin
Vereinregister: VR 32304 B 2
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Village Scribe Association vzw.
Dorpplaats 9
B-3190 Boortmeerbeek
Reg. Number: 0811.907.816
Small Print
The Village Scribe Association Trust is a registered trust with the Master of the High Court of South Africa. It is also registered as a Non Profit Organisation (NPO) with the South African Department of Social Development. In addition it is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
The German sister organisation the Village Scribe Association e.V is registered as a so-called "eingetragener Verein" - a registered voluntary association which allows it to function as a juristic person under German law.
A separate sister organisation also exists in Belgium.
The Village Scribe Association network consists of these three like-minded non-profit organisations, all promoting the use of localised ICTs for development in South Africa. Membership of the VSA network is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding between the organisations and ensures that some standards are adhered to. VSA member organisations
- are non-profit, or not-for-profit, associations that exist for the public benefit,
- have the same mission and vision, with slight adaptation to country specific requirements,
- are themselves membership based, allowing anyone to join and either donate their time or money (These members automatically become members of the global VSA network.),
- remain legally separate entities, governed by the laws of each country in which they exist.
Because of the close association among VSA member organisations, this website does not differentiate between them. All member organisations are listed here and all projects being run by each organisation are given equal weight here. This also helps to save costs, and make sure donations reach their intended beneficiaries.