The VSA was part of the #GivingTuesday campaign again this year. #GivingTuesday gives you the opportunity to help people in need even if you have no time to do so yourself. You can support the people who are engaged in social development by simply donating your year-end gift to an organisation like us. 🙂
We support underprivileged learners and teachers by enabling them to use ICT tools to master their projects and to become socially responsible citizens. The awarenet programme is designed to connect learners who do not have regular internet access with their peers as well as partners from overseas. We also give former learners a chance to further educate themselves during an internship at our organisation.
At the Giving tuesday on the 29th of november, we gave out balloons with a message to raise awareness of our work. If you couldn’t be on site to get a balloon, here are some pictures of the campaign:
We asked some children from the local community to help us with decorating the baloons. The children who are on holiday and have few entertainment options in their area were thrilled to be able to do some creative artwork.
Later, the team gave the balloons to people in town as a nice guesture of giving and community work. The balloons were much appreciated by the kids and their parents got leaflets and a chat about how we at awarenet try to uplift learners in local schools through our free, cutting edge e-learning platform.
Please, support us by donating to one of our projects on the betterplace platform. Any amount is highly appreciated and can be taken off tax. Help us to make our projects and this worldwide campaign a success! Thank you.