The VSA was invited to a panel discussion about “Business cooperation and digital Operation – Must-Haves for successful social entrepreneurs?!” On the panel were Dr. Hartmut Kopf, Head of the World Vision Institute For Research and Innovation, Carolin Silbernagl, Chairperson und Founder Member of dotHIV, Nadine Schön, MP, Norbert Kunz, CEO of iq consult, and Tanja Kufner, Director of the Wayra Academy Germany. They were invited by Telefónica Germany and moderated by Thomas Friemel, Chief Editor of the enorm Magazine.
Everyone was very positive about the possibilities and the potential win-win-situations that result from cooperations between traditional businesses and social entrepreneurs. Traditional businesses can learn more about how to work under extreme financial and time pressure. Social entrepreneurs bring a new dynamic into the “old business”, also because of their innovative and intuitive way of using digital means to reach their goals. In return they can profit from professionalism and seed funding, access to information and contacts.
We see this development in Germany as a great opportunity for the VSA. It is wonderful to see how positive people from all fields think about the possibilities for our society and the future that arise from such cooperations. We are working hard to also be a partner of such a cooperation, soon, and have applied at iq consult for participation in the MENT Programme.