What all includes a good health? More than 200 learners from more than 5 schools investigated this question and displayed what they found out on awarenet in one big project called The Health Promotion Project during the last 6 months. They were supported by their coordinator Terri-Lynn Penney and a wide range of volunteers, including subject experts, guest educators and community members. Themes ranged from a healthy environment and healthy eating over diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS to peer pressure, depression, anxiety, domestic violence, suicide and different kinds of stress, and also sex and sexuality.
We rate this project as very successful and had very good feed-back from the learners as well as their teachers and the community. Such subjects often get neglected at regular school, so this opportunity was an amazing experience for most of the learners to loose their fear of talking about unusual subjects and getting active.
Another very successful project was the Drama Project with Rosa Anne Brandt that was mentioned in a previous blog. The learners were exploring different games and ideas of Drama working towards creating some scenes, while they were also exploring things that are important to the students. They used Drama as a tool for creativity and communication. Short videos can be watched on awarenet. They give a good impression about how different subjects can be integrated into computer and Internet literacy courses at school.
Thank you Rosa and Terri for a good year of projects for awarenet and its users!