New awarenet page on facebook

We have created a new facebook page called awarenet. (Unfortunately, fb spells every title with a capital letter, so it is on facebook, but actually it is spelled awarenet.)

awarenet facebook page
We have given everyone who is in some way involved in awarenet content creator rights, because our vision for this page is that it reflects the work of the awarenet community, which consists of a very large group of community coordinators, teachers, volunteers, IT specialists, content creators, partners, etc. We will constantly add more people who are involved in our work around the software, platform and/or community program.

We will post experiences, ideas, work or workshops, projects, interesting news, links, pictures, videos, etc. We would like this page to be a pool of creativity, inspirational thoughts, motivational experience descriptions, a place for collaboration, a site to reflect and present what awarenet is and stands for and also to give awarenet a space for further development. Show it to your friends and colleagues and invite them to like it and follow what we do.

awarenet as it is, is not just a product of a company or an NGO, it is a product of the people who use it and who want to bring an idea forward, an idea of shared information and equal education. awarenet is in constant development, and if you have an idea of how to improve it, please publish it on this page and discuss it. – If we do that, we will also find someone or a group, who is able to take action when one person alone feels that she or he can’t do it on their own.

We are hoping to attract more people like the ones that already participate who want to get engaged or partner with us. People who would like to take over responsibility. Many people have already helped or offered their help on a voluntary basis by simply using their skills (teaching, coding, design, content, etc.). There are more people who want to join. This platform is for you and them. Please, ask us to be added and enjoy using it. Be honest, polite and informative. Be funny, serious and interesting. Be proud! 🙂

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