Southern African weltwarts strategic Workshop Conference:



The Southern African weltwarts strategic Workshop Conference was held in Cape Town over a two day period. Partner Originations from right over South Africa and Africa attended the Conference.
Ingrid Daniels gave and introduction, background and objectives of the conference . The Southern African weltwarts Networks (SawN) was discussed, within the weltwarts program, during the Conference in Port Elizabeth from 12 to 15 November 2014. It’s the first program of its kind across the globe and is an Internal community network. The networks first task is to choose a SawN Interim Steering committee. The duties of the SawN Interim Committee will be as follows, to form a network for SawN to strengthen relationships and create an Information Portal. The following day we had 3 workshops where different issues were discussed, the first workshop (lead by Donald Vogel) we attended was about, what communication and market strategies should we consider to increase SawN?

The second workshop was led by Claus-Bernard Pakleppa. This workshop was all about the vision, mission and objectives of SawN. The third workshop(by Igrid Daniels) we discussed, how do we structure SawN and enhance fund-raising for SawN?
To end off the conference a Steering Committee and a Working Committee was selected:The duties of the Steering Committee as follows,stimulate membership fee(quarter of 2016),increase review database by end of January 2016 and contribute to draft proposal funds by end of March 2016.The Working Committee functions would be, admin, fund-raising, research and Communication and Marketing. The next Conference for SawN will be in April 2016.


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