awarenet is a member of the South African German Network (Sage Net) and therefore took part in the network’s annual conference in Cape Town in October.
The aim of Sage Net is to increase cooperation and understanding between South Africa and Germany – not the least by participating in the weltwaerts volunteer program where young Germans volunteer a year in South Africa and young South Africans likewise volunteer a year in Germany. awarenet receives two German volunteers each year who work full-time for our organisation – we are proud that we through Sage Net this year for the first time also sent a South African awarenet member on a year of volunteering to Germany.
High on the agenda for this year’s Sage Net conference was precisely how to deepen and target the support of the South Africans sent to Germany, though still fewer than the Germans sent to South Africa their numbers have increased the last years.
The conference also strove to increase ties between the various non-profit organisations who are members of Sage Net – for this purpose it was suggested to establish regional fora where member organisations can meet regularly and discuss common issues and challenges.