The Awarenet Robotics program has just kicked off for 2023 with more learners than we were training last year and more interns to help out in schools. We recruited 5 new schools for robotics training for learners at the school premises. This program is implemented in order to help learners be prepared when Robotics and Coding is implemented as a subject in schools, Awarenet therefore targeted schools that don’t yet have this subject. The help of new interns in our Awarenet robotics team makes it possible for us to teach the program in different schools. The learners are excited by this practical way of learning through coding as they can build a robot with their own hands.
The new schools from the township of Makhanda are Archie Mbolekwa, N.V Cewu, Makana, Tantyi Lower and C.M Vellem. In all these, we managed to sign up about 141 learners including the previous learners we trained last year. We therefore train kids every day from Monday to Friday. We will be working with Grade 6-9 learners which all will be taught with the help of our ten Lego robotic kits.
We look forward to working with many teachers and learners from all the schools that offer robotics. There will be robotics inter-house competitions this year, this will help our learners to learn from other learners from different schools in Makhanda and also take Robotics in Makhanda to a whole new level and make it grow.