The Village Scribe Association Trust in South Africa which runs the Awarenet program held its annual general meeting together with its German sister organisation Village Scribe Association e.V on the 2nd of December 2022.
During the annual general meeting the team at the Village Scribe Association Trust presented its annual report. The report revealed that the Awarenet program in 2022 has been more extensive than ever, encompassing long-standing projects such as the core group program and the Open Lab but also new projects such as the Olico maths program, the Rejuvenating Rivers project, the Green Business Skills Course, Talking Technology to Power and being an implementing partner for an unemployment relief program called the Social Employment Fund.
The Robotics and Coding course which was started in 2021 was also expanded with an increased number of learners and trainers participating.
Kjetil Torp, the director of the Awarenet program also presented the Treasurer’s Report for the financial year of 2021/22. He reported that the turnover for the organisation in 2022 was the highest ever recorded; thereby making it possible for the organisation to run the projects mentioned above.
Find the Minutes of the Annual general Meeting here.