Our first week at Awarenet

We are Benjamin Wertlen and Benjamin Wilhelm, the new volunteers from the German government-supported “weltwaerts”-program. Both of us are going to do voluntary work at Awarenet for a year. We will also be assisting the staff in various tasks and taking care of online communication including for instance uploads on the Awarenet facebook account and Read more about Our first week at Awarenet[…]

Awarenet visits local NGOs from eGqeberha (PE)

On the 18th of May 2021, Awarenet, alongside other NPOs from Makhanda visited fellow NPOs in PE, Masifunde and Masinyusane. Inkululeko, Access Music Project, Joza Reading Club as well as Aspire Psycho Social Support joined Awarenet in a tour of the premises of these interesting organisations. At Masinyusane, we visited one of the local primary Read more about Awarenet visits local NGOs from eGqeberha (PE)[…]

HCI Foundation workshop

Last Thursday the awarenet team took part in a great workshop organised by our funder the HCI Foundation on how non profit organisations can collaborate to achieve sustainable social change. Lab supervisor Thanduxolo Royi and project coordinator Kjetil Torp joined a multitude of representatives from other non profit organisations from all parts of the Eastern Read more about HCI Foundation workshop[…]

awarenet Champs were invited to Festival

On the 6th of July, an excited bunch of awarenet learners trekked down the hill to see “Themba’s dream”, one of the multitude of shows Grahamstownians are treated to during the Arts’ festival. The learners in question were the winners of the awarenet Sports Day competitions in soccer and netball, so after all that running Read more about awarenet Champs were invited to Festival[…]

Our partner Masifunde Learner Development started using awareNet

Last week, Anna and Ron Wertlen went to Port Elizabeth to give an awareNet workshop for the eight teachers of the Masifunde Learner Development Center. They were very interested and motivated to integrate the use of awareNet into their existing educational program. We explained how we envisage and handle the combined training at computers and Read more about Our partner Masifunde Learner Development started using awareNet[…]

Masifunde Learner Development in PE a new partner of the VSA

Masifunde Learner Development is a proactive youth development organisation with the aim to mould future role models in Walmer Township (Port Elizabeth) who can in turn initiate sustainable development. They engage  learners in an educational and interactive life skills training programme and also provide grants. The VSA is very impressed by their approach, and in a meeting Read more about Masifunde Learner Development in PE a new partner of the VSA[…]