As we mentioned in a previous blog, the Makana Municipality sponsored the awareNet-Peace-Celebration on Peace Day, at which five schools from Grahamstown competed for the best HipHop song about Peace. This gives us the opportunity to record every of the five songs professionally to produce a CD. The CD will help us to publizise awareNet better and to attract funding for future projects.
Last week, the recording has started, and again, sincere thanks go to Corinne Cooper and Lunga Heleni from Sonic Art Studio for all their passionate and voluntary work, commitment and input. The learners all tried very hard to give their best and left the studio very proud and richer with another great experience, made possible by the VSA.
This recording is further the basis of the music clip that will be produced with the winner of the best song of the competition: Mary Waters High School. We have already started meeting with the MW learners on a regular basis to work out the concept for the video. The shooting will start after the end year exams are finished.