The awarenet music and peace project 2013 has started!

This week was the first week of our music and peace project on awarenet which will lead to the Peace Concert on Peace Day in September 2013. Terri-Lynn Penney, the awarenet coordinator in Grahamstown, accepted the participation of 5 schools, namely CM Vellem Higher Primary School, Good Shepherd Primary School, Mary Waters High School, Nathaniel Nyaluza Public Seconday School and Ntaba Maria Primary School.

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In each school, a group of learners from grade 8, 9, 10 or grade 11 were selected from a large number of interested learners. This week, they will be introduced to the idea and background of HipHop music by Zukani Budaza, a professional musician and Lunga Heleni, a professional sound engineer. We will tell you more in our next blog.

In the mean time, please support our project on betterplace! Even just a few Euros will help! Thank you.

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