by Rieke Heitmüller
“On Thursday, the 28th of August 2014, we finally reached the last phase of the LifePlayer project. Therefore Antje Hering, two Victoria Girls High School learners from the LifePlayer project (Siphosethu Mboleka and Yamkela Mcatsha) and I headed off towards Samuel Ntsiko Primary School in Joza, Grahamstown.
For one hour in the afternoon, we used our recorded stories on the LifePlayer to assist and teach grade six learners in reading English. Siphosethu and Yamkela decided to work together with the students on the Aesop fable “The ant the grasshopper”. The grade six learners practiced their English language skills in reading the fable, listening to our recorded audio book and answering questions according to the story. At the end of our English lesson, the VG girls recorded the students while reading.
Learners both enjoyed listening to the stories and recording themselves reading. The Samuel Ntsiko English teacher was very happy and glad her learners experienced something new apart from their usual English lesson and even asked us, when we will come the next time. So I promised to send her our recorded stories.”
The VSA is also very happy that one of our first Weltwärts volunteers managed to finish this complex project within her voluntary year. Rieke, you have all reasons to be proud! This is a fantastic project that will be continued annually because of all the benefits for the learners as you have now proven again.
Everything is documented on awarenet for fellow learners and for the future!