In the 4th term in the South African academic year the Village Scribe Association traditionally carries out a project that deals with South African culture and tradition, but also with engagement in the society.
Lukas and me thought about some new ideas for that project and finally came up with the plan to create short video clips about topics in the children’s environment that they can chose by themselves.
In the first two weeks in the term we collected suggestions for the video clips. We wanted to create a movie clip with each awarenet group and so we had to find six topics. In this project we worked with five different schools: Ntaba Maria Primary (“Pollution” and “Fingo village”), Grahamstown Adventist Primary (“Portraits”), Archie Mbolekwa Senior Primary (“FeesMustFall Protests”), Good Shepherd Primary (“Bullying”) , Khutliso Daniels Secondary.
We also started a cooperation with “Inkululeko”, a NGO that focuses on supporting students at finishing High school and entering university. They have a café, called “Common ground café”, where they sell food in school breaks to earn some money for a monthly trip.
Five students from Khutliso Daniels and some from the Inkululeko students worked together and created an advertising clip for the “Common ground café”. As soon as we finished the editing we will upload this video on youtube.
We were supported by the NGO “Upstart Youth Development project”. Shamiel from Upstart held two workshops to show us and our students how a professional video shoot should be prepared and realized.
After this detail phase we started the actual filming and now, in December and January, the awarenet team will be busy with editing the video material.
After that, we will write a more detailed blog post and present the finished videos.