December holidays are here and we started the school-free time with an exciting program in the Joza Youth Hub. The whole week we offered fun activities. Recently we got a Wii donated. This is a game console you can connect to a TV and play fun games on. In our games competition our learners could compete in bowling, boxing and collect points in dance battles.
On the second day we created our own audiobook. We chose a story from Nal’ibali and shortened it. We practised saying the sentences clearly and found out how to make noises which fitted the story. The learners recorded foot steps, the sound of the key opening a door and created ideas on how a broken vase could sound. The first part of our Audio Book is now available on Sound Cloud.
The next day we continued with our Comic Workshop. With the software “Comic Life” you get a fixed layout where you can put photos and text together to create your own story. The learners had the opportunity to create their own photo story with their own cartoon speaking “bubbles”. We put the photos together in the program and printed the final results which the kids took home with them.
On Thursday we had a Movie Day. We watched “Up”, following the journey of an old man moving his house to the Paradise Falls while facing a lot of difficulties in the company of a young wilderness explorer.
Friday was reserved for the farewell party of our Grade 9 learners Core group. We had snacks and drinks, played wii, practised “the newspaper dance” and collected ideas for the program of next year.