After a school holiday the afterschool activities are starting to come into action again, one of them being the OLICO maths program. On the 2nd of October the SDA primary school was finally able to participate in the program again, using the computers in the Open Lab at the Joza Youth Hub.
The two German volunteers were using this as an opportunity to help out the tutors and to make pictures to document the program. This afternoon program is usually very full and that day was no different. The group is so big that they occupy both open computer labs at the Joza Youth Hub.
The learners were very motivated to start learning maths again and therefore they were quite successful in learning new maths skills. Additionally, they were able to benefit from the help provided by the tutors and German volunteers.
The OLICO program represents an amazing opportunity for learners to prepare for upcoming maths tests, get a friendly introduction to new topics in maths and presents an opportunity for those who are struggling with their maths to be on an even level with their peers.
It also allows the learners to learn maths in a more stress free, low stakes environment, where they don’t have the pressure of upcoming tests weighing on them and instead can concentrate on understanding the content of the maths lessons at their own pace. Every learner can focus on their own task and can approach it as they wish. If help is wanted or needed, there is always a tutor around to help making sure that no one is left behind.