Before the 3rd term starts and we are head over heels involved with the next big project, we would like to introduce Thanduxolo Royi, who has been a great help to us during the past terms. Thandu started as and still is one of our awarenet learners, but since he has been part of the programme for more than three years, he has helped us out a lot.
“Hi my name is Thanduxolo Royi and I am a 18-year-old boy doing Grade 11 at Nombulelo High School in Grahamstown. I started awarenet at C.M. Vellem when I was doing Grade 8. Since then I have participated in two awarenet Peace Day Concerts and have always loved awarenet. I wish that one day if I cannot do karate anymore, to be like the teachers of awarenet. I like to see myself in an office, doing blogs, writing stories, visiting schools around Grahamstown and to help children to know the computer.
Next to awarenet, I am currently doing two sports after school. The sport that I play at school is rugby, but my favourite sport is karate. I started Karate in 2009 and ever since I was being picked every year to represent my local club (Joza Karate Club). I am also always selected to go to Nationals every year. Earlier this year, I was selected again to go to the S.A trials for the team for next year to go overseas to represent South Africa at karate. I am ranked No. 1 in S.A. for my division in fighting and a true South African champ. I will also be grading for my black belt this year.”
His commitment to the programme and his passion for karate has been a major inspiration for many of our younger and newer learners and they look up to him for advice and support.