First Robotics and Coding lesson of 2025 at N.V. Cewu Primary School

A new year means new classes and new learners full of excitement and energy. Today was the first Robotics and Coding lesson at N.V. Cewu Public Primary School. The new learners were introduced to the different components of the LEGO Mindstorms robots and were instructed to learn about them in different groups. Each group learned Read more about First Robotics and Coding lesson of 2025 at N.V. Cewu Primary School[…]

First OLICO maths lesson of the new year at Tantyi Public School

Last Monday, the first maths lesson of the new year took place at Tantyi Primary School.  On January 21st, the new grade 7s at Tantyi Public School were introduced to us and the OLICO maths programme for the first time. In the first quarter of the lesson, the learners played a little warm-up game in Read more about First OLICO maths lesson of the new year at Tantyi Public School[…]

Expanding the Robotics program in Joza

Awarenet has expanded the Robotics program to include twice as many Makhanda learners as before, going from 80 learners in 2023 to 160 in 2024.  The learners are from grade 6 to 9. The Robotics program allows learners to learn about simple coding by teaching them how to code a small robot to fulfil certain Read more about Expanding the Robotics program in Joza[…]

Talking Technology to Power.

Remember when our parents reminded us of the uses of Social Media?? How would they constantly warn us of the dangers these popular Social Media platforms pose to us as their kids and how we’re expected to conduct ourselves and the content we post?   It makes you think, doesn’t it? Well, today we are Read more about Talking Technology to Power.[…]

WRO Robotics Competition

On the 5th of August, Awarenet took 9 learners to a World Robotic Olympiad competition at Kingswood College. The competition serves as a qualifier for the national competition in Gauteng which in turn qualifies teams for the international Robotic Olympiad.  The best of the Awarenet robotics teams took part in this competition which was the Read more about WRO Robotics Competition[…]

Awarenet matric class outing

On the 7th of July 2023, Awarenet took its Matric class for a day outing to eMpekweni beach resort. The purpose of the trip was to reconnect with our learners as we had not really seen them regularly this year. The learners had expressed that they have their normal classes daily, afternoon classes as well Read more about Awarenet matric class outing[…]

Robotics Competition

10th of June Awarenet hosted its first Robotics in House competition at the Joza Youth Hub. We had learners from five different schools of our schools that we trained who attended the competition and our trainers who assisted with judging on the day. The competition we had was helping our learners for preparations for the Read more about Robotics Competition[…]

New Core Group Orientation Camp

Awarenet has recruited a new group of grade 8 and 9 learners to their core group programme. Last week, on the 27th of May we invited 23 learners from both grade 8 and 9 to a camp at the DSG Monastery which is located in the magnificent Eastern Cape countryside, a mere 10 km from Read more about New Core Group Orientation Camp[…]

Visit to Awarenet by German sister organisation!

Awarenet was visited by Dr Eva Hert, board member of its German sister organisation, who tells us the following about  her visit to a variety of the Awarenet projects: In February this year my husband and I came to South Africa where we used to live some 30 years ago in Grahamstown – now Makhanda. Read more about Visit to Awarenet by German sister organisation![…]

Awarenet Robotics 2023

The Awarenet Robotics program has just kicked off for 2023 with more learners than we were training last year and more interns to help out in schools. We recruited 5 new schools for robotics training for learners at the school premises. This program is implemented in order to help learners be prepared when Robotics and Read more about Awarenet Robotics 2023[…]