The awarenet teacher’s course which started in 2017 now has official recognition in the South African educational system! Through the 21 Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA) relevant bodies of authority in different sectors of the economy approve courses on offer in South Africa to improve the skills of the workforce. These recognized courses are embedded in a comprehensive framework where each course is awarded a certain number of points.
The Education and Training and Development Practises (ETDP) SETA in January approved of the course awarenet offers to teachers, awarding it 12 credits. This means that teachers who attend the course will receive official recognition when they take part in the course successfully and pass its requirements. The official recognition from the ETDP SETA also signals that our course adheres to national standards of quality and accountability.
The awarenet team is proud to have our course officially recognized and as a consequence hope to see even more teachers participating in the awarenet teacher’s course in 2018.