Local school goes online!

Primary school Archie Mbolekwa goes online due to intervention from awarenet! Learners and teachers can now finally access the internet in the school’s well-maintained computer lab, which consists of 16 computers.

Archie Mbolekwa Primary is situated a few hundred meters from the awarenet offices at the Joza Youth Hub and has been one of the main partner schools of awarenet the last three years.  Richard Were, awarenet’s maverick IT consultant, crawled into narrow dusty roofs with sauna temperatures and braved dizzying roof and tower heights to install the much longed-for connection to the digital world.


Richard Were is busy measuring those megabits per second on top of water tower at Archie Mbolekwa

Awarenet has also decided to pay for the monthly internet connection fee until the school is in the position to include monthly internet as a budget item. In addition, awarenet’s computer lab supervisor Thanduxolo Royi comes to the Archie Mbolekwa lab three hours a day, twice a week to help the learners safely navigate the rough but exiting online seas which has opened up in their computer lab.  

Learners from Archie Mbolekwa absorbed online in the school’s computer lab

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