The Rejuvenating Rivers project is continuing in 2023 and for this year the school learners in the project has adopted a whole river! The local stream in Vukani township is victim of pollution and littering and that our learners want to do something about!
On Saturday mornings they have been out helping clean the river together with learners from Inkululeko as this is a joint project between the two organisations. Joined by a group of local children, the learners spend their mornings removing various kinds of litter in a muddy surrounding, posing a challenge to maneuver in rubber boots. Materials such as plastics, metals and paper trash are removed from the river in the East of Makhanda, giving a practical example of environmental education.
The learners will also attempt to create media stories about the clean-up operations and also interview local community members about past and present use of the river as a means of livelihood. They are particularly keen to learn from older community members who lived through the times when the river was much cleaner than what it is now. The goal is therefore to restore the river to its former glory!