Social Employment Fund Interview: Thimna Tembela

Last week, several Social Employment Fund participants of Awarenet were interviewed to share their experiences working in the SEF programme. This part is about Thimna Tembela’s story and the impact the Social Employment Fund had on her life: When Thimna Tembela was still a learner at Mary Waters she attended tutoring sessions at Ikamva Youth Read more about Social Employment Fund Interview: Thimna Tembela[…]

New round of Social Employment Fund (SEF) – new opportunities

The Social Employment Fund in the Makhanda Coalition of after-school organisations is heading for a third round thanks to Awarenet being contracted to lead this work by The Learning Trust. After lots of planning and organising we are happy to announce that SEF will keep going. This third round also comes with new working opportunities Read more about New round of Social Employment Fund (SEF) – new opportunities[…]