Social Employment Fund Interview: Thimna Tembela

Last week, several Social Employment Fund participants of Awarenet were interviewed to share their experiences working in the SEF programme. This part is about Thimna Tembela’s story and the impact the Social Employment Fund had on her life: When Thimna Tembela was still a learner at Mary Waters she attended tutoring sessions at Ikamva Youth Read more about Social Employment Fund Interview: Thimna Tembela[…]

awarenet is paypaling

awarenet is now connected to the PayPal financial service. This means that you are now able to donate money easy, fast and more convenient than using other methods. You can just browse through our website and open the page “Donate Online”, there you will find a little Donate button. If you click on it you Read more about awarenet is paypaling[…]

The awarenet-Team at the AGYI conference 2018

Kjetil and Max have been attending a conference hosted by the AGYI, the “African German Youth Initiative”. Its goal is to make youth exchanges between African countries and Germany easier as well as more accessible. The AGYI is sponsored by “Engagement Global”, an agency of the German ministry for economic cooperation and development which also Read more about The awarenet-Team at the AGYI conference 2018[…]