OLICO tutors training at Rhodes University

Last Weekend, Awarenet hosted a maths tutors training at Rhodes University Faculty of Education in cooperation with Thabiso, a OLICO maths trainer and coordinator from the OLICO maths education foundation in Johannesburg. The OLICO training started on Saturday with the more theoretical aspects of teaching. First we revised the basic structure of a lesson, as Read more about OLICO tutors training at Rhodes University[…]

Full action in Awarenet’s computer labs!

Since the 24th of January, Awarenet is back to hosting both Robotics and Coding and OLICO maths lessons in the Open Labs of the Joza Youth Hub. Every Friday when the robotics lessons take place, learners from several high schools in Joza Township come to enjoy the nice environment and to learn something fun. In Read more about Full action in Awarenet’s computer labs![…]

First OLICO maths lesson of the new year at Tantyi Public School

Last Monday, the first maths lesson of the new year took place at Tantyi Primary School.  On January 21st, the new grade 7s at Tantyi Public School were introduced to us and the OLICO maths programme for the first time. In the first quarter of the lesson, the learners played a little warm-up game in Read more about First OLICO maths lesson of the new year at Tantyi Public School[…]

Work readiness program in preparation of a new year

A new year has started, which means it isn’t long until the new school year starts as well. To prepare for the upcoming school openings we at Awarenet held a work readiness program for all Social Employment Fund (SEF for short) participants. The work readiness program is an integral part of Awarenet’s preparation for the Read more about Work readiness program in preparation of a new year[…]

Social Employment Fund Interview: SD Card Project Group

Last week, several Social Employment Fund participants of Awarenet were interviewed to share their experiences working in the SEF programme. This part is about Aphiwe, Zukhanye, Lindani and Kamvelihle from the SD Card Project. They will elaborate on their story and the impact the Social Employment Fund had on their life: Aphiwe, Zukhanye, and Kamvelihle Read more about Social Employment Fund Interview: SD Card Project Group[…]

Social Employment Fund Interview: Lindokuhle Maraba

Last week, several Social Employment Fund participants of Awarenet were interviewed to share their experiences working in the SEF programme.   This part is about Lindokuhle Maraba’s story and the impact the Social Employment Fund had on her life: While being a learner in high school, Lindokuhle Maraba was actively involved in NGO work. During Read more about Social Employment Fund Interview: Lindokuhle Maraba[…]

Social Employment Fund Interview: Siyanda Manana

Last week, several Social Employment Fund participants of Awarenet were interviewed to share their experiences workin in the SEF programme. This part is about Siyanda Manana’s story and the impact the Social Employment Fund had on his life: After he graduated from high school, Siyanda Manana used to work as a salesman at a second Read more about Social Employment Fund Interview: Siyanda Manana[…]

Social Employment Fund Interview: Thimna Tembela

Last week, several Social Employment Fund participants of Awarenet were interviewed to share their experiences working in the SEF programme. This part is about Thimna Tembela’s story and the impact the Social Employment Fund had on her life: When Thimna Tembela was still a learner at Mary Waters she attended tutoring sessions at Ikamva Youth Read more about Social Employment Fund Interview: Thimna Tembela[…]

The OLICO maths program in action

After a school holiday the afterschool activities are starting to come into action again, one of them being the OLICO maths program. On the 2nd of October the SDA primary school was finally able to participate in the program again, using the computers in the Open Lab at the Joza Youth Hub. The two German Read more about The OLICO maths program in action[…]

Robotics in full swing at Makana Public Primary School

Robotics lessons at Makana Public Primary School are being carried on successfully as new learners join the course regularly. On Monday the 16th of September, the two new German volunteers of Awarenet visited the course for the first time and were surprised that so many students were there, especially completely new ones. It was noticeable Read more about Robotics in full swing at Makana Public Primary School[…]